Flex Menu 4.5
The Flex menu is a single-panel menu — that is, there is only one main menu not individual panels for each menu item. The user can select the page from the menu on the left, then see a preview image and page description and progress. On mobile devices, the image and preview is dropped and the progress is moved to the menu.
The Flex Menu’s features are gathered from the Page Settings screen:
Displayed in the menu and on the dialog within each preview. Required.
Displayed below the title. In the Flow Menu, the body should be considered required. This text is faded out when the view button is hovered.
The text of the button used to open the page. This should be very succinct; If wrapping occurs, this may break the view button. Cannot be left blank.
Duration is displayed above progress bar on preview dialog.
A required graphic to be displayed as the contents of the preview.
Alternative text for the graphic.
For best results, use a graphic that is 900px (wide) by 540px (high) with a resolution of 72ppi. The left-most 340px will be covered by the menu.