Matching Question
Matching Questions are a collection of one or more questions, each with a list of possible answers that can be selected from a dropdown. It works well full-width or half-width.
The Matching component inherits all the settings common to the Presentation Components and all the settings common to the Question Components.
The default text for the dropdown that is initially selected.
This is a list of the questions in the Matching Question. When you click the Add button, a dialog will slide-out from the right side of the screen allowing you to populate the item. The fields in this dialog are:
This should be the item or question text.
This is the list of options in the dropdown for this question. When you click the Add button, a dialog will slide-out from the right side of the screen allowing you to populate the item. The fields in this dialog are:
It’s important to note that you can have more than one “question” in a Matching Question. Because of this, the Partially Correct feedback is important, as Adapt will issue partial credit for the component.