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Adapt User's Guide version 4.5

Graphical Multiple Choice

The Graphical Multiple Choice component is a graphical twist on the original. Each response can have an associated graphic positioned above the option text.

Graphical Multiple Choice Settings

The Graphical Multiple Choice component inherits all the settings common to the Presentation Components and all the settings common to the Question Components.

This is a list of the responses for the question. When you click the Add button, a dialog will slide-out from the right side of the screen allowing you to populate the response. The fields in this dialog are:

Large image for this item – used on desktop

Small image for this item – used on mobile devices

The alternative text for the image.

A line of text to be used to supply an attribution for the original artist if required by the license of the graphic.

The text of the response.

If checked, this is considered (one of the) correct answer(s).

Response added to the incorrect feedback if this response is selected. This field can only be used if the response is not a correct response and the question has only one correct answer and the user is allowed to select only one response.

Randomizes the responses.

Controls the layout of the component as well as the maximum size of the images on desktop view. If the number is greater than 0, Adapt will break the responses into the number of columns specified. If the number is 0, Adapt will attempt to dynamically assign the number of columns based on the number of responses.

Controls the number of items the learner can select. If this number is set to 1, the component uses radio buttons for the responses and the learner can select only one response. In addition, if there is more than one response marked as correct, either of those responses will be counted as correct. If this number is greater than 1, the component uses checkboxes for the responses and the learner can select up to that number of responses. In addition, if there is more than one response marked as correct, all of those responses must be selected to be counted as correct.

The Graphical Multiple Choice places no restrictions on the size of the images you can use. That said, if different sized images are used for each response, the component will appear broken or unprofessional and may create issues where the user cannot see all responses.

For consistent results, images should be at least 680px wide to appear correct on mobile devices. On smaller screens, the responses will be listed in one column and an image of this width will span the width of the component.

Images smaller than this will be left-aligned with the radio button or checkbox.