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Adapt User's Guide version 4.5

Drag & Drop Categories

This component allows you to create several categories and specify what items belong to that category. When presented to the learner, the items are randomized and placed so that the learner must drag each to the correct category.

Drag & Drop Categories is full-width only.

  • Putting “things” in “buckets” is something any user can relate to quickly.
  • You really like dragging and dropping.
  • This component only makes sense if your learner is expected to recognize categories in the content. Using this component for random elements that aren’t related make this a frustrating exercise.
  • If you have a lot of items (say more than 8) or a lot of categories (say more than 4) this component can become rage-inducing on smaller screens.
  • If your audience consists of many mobile users (especially of older iPhones), you may want to give this component a pass. It really shines on desktop.

This component cannot currently report back to an LMS. Avoid using this component in an assessment as the assessment will view this interaction as “incorrect” even if the user supplies a correct response.

This component is one of the few to feature multiple levels of dialogs (one for creating categories and another for adding items to it).

The Drag & Drop Categories component inherits all the settings common to the Presentation Components and all the settings common to the Question Components.

This is a list of the categories in the component as well as the correct items for this category. When you click the Add button, a dialog will slide-out from the right side of the screen allowing you to populate the category. The fields in this dialog are:

The label for the category. Required.

This is a list of the correct items for this category. When you click the Add button, a dialog will slide-out from the right side of the screen above the current dialog allowing you to populate the item. The fields in this dialog are:

Required: The text of the drag-able.

Not used — Reserved for future functionality.