Presentation Components
Presentation components are elements in Adapt that present information. None of the presentation components are evaluated but do feature completions (even non-interactive components).
The presentation components are all listed in the menu to the left and include details on the settings for the component as well as some guidance on when to use the component and how it will behave on various devices and screen sizes.
Common Settings
Presentation components have a few settings that appear in all components and function the same:
This is the title of the component as it will appear in the course. You can remove the component by clicking the “X” icon to the right of the Display Title.
This is optional rich-text that appears just above the component itself.
This is an optional line of instruction to the learner.
Developer only: Special HTML Class names to be applied to the component wrapper.
If checked, this component will not be required to be completed for the learner to complete the page. May also display the word “OPTIONAL” in the Page Level Progress menu next to the component name.
If unchecked, this component will not be available in the course. May cause issues if the page has components that are not optional.
Enabling this is equivalent to applying the CSS ‘display:none’ to the component. Typically only used in special themes that allow for dynamic visibility of components.
Disabling this is equivalent to applying the CSS ‘visibility:hidden’ to the component. Typically only used in special themes that allow for dynamic visibility of components.
Overrides the default ARIA Heading level for this component if set to any number greater than 0. This setting should be left at the default unless directed to change by an accessibility expert or developer.
Renders the component invisible to screen readers. Do not use this option unless directed by a developer.
Used with advanced themes to add special classes to components when they are scrolled into view. Use these settings only at the direction of the development team.